I Love Snow Days

I grew up in Queens back in the days where NYC public schools did not close for snow. We had a blizzard in 6th grade I think, it was 1978ish. Bussed in kids were stranded at the school for a while but they finally got on the busses to go home around midnight. Privileged kidsContinue reading “I Love Snow Days”

You say you want a revolution…

Pleasantville Schools are full of pretty awesome traditions… the Kindergarten Circus; grade-level plays that culminate in high school musical extravaganzas; Walk in My Shoes day, were kids experience what it is like to have learning and physical differences; parades featuring Halloween, favorite book characters, and graduating seniors; prom dress viewing in the front circle; concerts;Continue reading “You say you want a revolution…”

Saving Wormy

I have a problem with saving. I probably save too much stuff and not enough money…but my real issue is that I get way too caught up in saving living things. My husband noticed this one day on a lovely walk on the beach. Instead of enjoying the breathtaking views and smelling the amazing combinationContinue reading “Saving Wormy”

The Effort

Effort…the thing that makes or breaks you. Having the most… whether it is talent, athletic ability, intelligence, social skills…means nothing…if you don’t nurture it. Having a ton of family or friends means nothing if you never take the time to be with them. It was such a lovely day today…a gift. We had a visitContinue reading “The Effort”

A Regular Day

I love love love holidays. The before, the planning, and the decorating. The day of and the doing. The clean up and organize for the next year. I love it all. I am not just talking the biggies…the showstoppers. I am talking my dead father’s birthday which usually coincides with Labor Day. You name it,Continue reading “A Regular Day”

Lessons in Social Media

“The worst parent award goes to these people”“This must be a really old picture, check out the phone cord and the ratty floors”“That kid is f*cked for life.“ This is my Olivia, she was probably 5 or so. Olivia hears her own drummer and Olivia does Olivia. She wanted to be Pee Wee Herman, notContinue reading “Lessons in Social Media”

Sugar Sigh

Last week I was chatting with my sister-in-law about the merits of Bubble Yum, Hubba Bubba, and Bubblicious. We both agreed Bubble Yum was the best…which is important, no need for family conflict on crucial matters. My nephews politely listened, a bit confused as we gushed and critiqued the attributes of the gums of ourContinue reading “Sugar Sigh”