The Room of Requirement

Saturday morning…laundry, catching up with a neighbor as we walk our dogs, straightening the house, a delicious cup of crazy hot tea. I love lazy mornings. I was opening a box of totally groovy lucite mini clipboards when my Greg walked in the room. His look said Do I want to ask? I did notContinue reading “The Room of Requirement”

I Love Snow Days

I grew up in Queens back in the days where NYC public schools did not close for snow. We had a blizzard in 6th grade I think, it was 1978ish. Bussed in kids were stranded at the school for a while but they finally got on the busses to go home around midnight. Privileged kidsContinue reading “I Love Snow Days”

Thankful Series…Rain Room

I was looking for a picture last night. Scrolling. Scrolling. Scrolling. BOOM. There it was…not the picture I was looking for…but this one. Rain Room at the MOMA. We got on the standby line at 5am. Manhattan at 5am on a Saturday is something. Sitting on the pocket park wall, we were with other peopleContinue reading “Thankful Series…Rain Room”

You say you want a revolution…

Pleasantville Schools are full of pretty awesome traditions… the Kindergarten Circus; grade-level plays that culminate in high school musical extravaganzas; Walk in My Shoes day, were kids experience what it is like to have learning and physical differences; parades featuring Halloween, favorite book characters, and graduating seniors; prom dress viewing in the front circle; concerts;Continue reading “You say you want a revolution…”

Saving Wormy

I have a problem with saving. I probably save too much stuff and not enough money…but my real issue is that I get way too caught up in saving living things. My husband noticed this one day on a lovely walk on the beach. Instead of enjoying the breathtaking views and smelling the amazing combinationContinue reading “Saving Wormy”

Family Fun Myers-Briggs Style

The ability to hear the voices of people you love as the soundtrack of daily living is underrated. Making breakfast for a crowd is my everything. Heaven on earth is sitting in the back seat of the car between my kids, arms overlapping, thighs touching, and the sound of snoring beside me. How sweet toContinue reading “Family Fun Myers-Briggs Style”


February, March, and April mean daily flashbacks to high school play production goodness, birthday celebrations, and vacations in Florida. Nanny and kids playing at the beach, insulation foam “pies”, parties, museum visits…and happy happy faces. I am a bad mother…I completely adore when my son has a long commute home from work. On those daysContinue reading “Reflections”